Monday, June 29, 2009


One thing I have learned is that my former life was all about other people. I learned that my whole life was taking care of other people. I never took care of myself. I made sure my responsibilities were taken care of. I worked. I never worked at a job that I wasnt a master at. I am a sought after in my field. In several fields I built a name for myself and capitalized off of it. Its what I taught myself to do since my first job. Also, being an assistant, executive and personal, its what I was paid for as well. I took care of others not only in my personal life but its what I was paid to do at times. I started to not take care of myself I guess. Not on purpose, but I just always found something that I thought was more important than what I needed. Its not cool. I am an important part of my family and their everyday. I am depended upon. If I dont take care of myself then the whole thing crumbles which is something that most working mothers and wife's don't think about. Its very important to realize this before something major happens. Even if its a cold, you need to slow down and take care of yourself. ITS A MUST!